A warm welcome and thank you to our Newest Gold Member - SonicHealthPlus

Sonic HealthPlus is Australia’s leading provider of occupational healthcare and general medical services. Backed by Sonic Healthcare, Sonic HealthPlus is a truly national company with wholly owned clinics operating in metropolitan, regional and remote locations across the country.

We welcome and thank Sonic Health Plus our newest Southport Chamber of Commerce GOLD Member.

Sonic HealthPlus is Australia’s leading provider of occupational healthcare and general medical services. Backed by Sonic Healthcare, Sonic HealthPlus is a truly national company with wholly owned clinics operating in metropolitan, regional and remote locations across the country.

We have an extensive array of medical and allied health practitioners and specialists and understand the importance of protecting the health and wellbeing of your family and workforce.

Our three key service divisions – Clinical Services, Site Services and Specialised Services – provide a holistic range of healthcare activities across the occupational medical, community and general practice spectrum.


Visit their Website today https://www.sonichealthplus.com.au/


Join as a Gold Member today https://www.scoc.org.au/join/

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Your Resourcing Group Gold Coast Business Hub

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Experience Gold Coast Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) Feddersen Consulting Group State Member for Southport Enterprise & Training Company White Lady Funerals