COVID-19 Infection Control on-Line Training by the Health Department Department
This is a no charge COVID-19 infection control training
This 30-minute online training module is not just for health care workers in all settings. It covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for COVID-19.
The Heath Department is offering an online no charge training course
This training is not only for care workers across all health care settings, but ideal for all small businesses, cleaning staff, front reception staff as well as and including:
primary care
aged care (both in residential aged care facilities or with visiting carers at home, including cleaners and cooks)
disability (both in residential/shared care facilities or part-time carers in people’s homes, including cleaners and cooks)
allied health
Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services
dental practices, including dentists, nurses, cleaners and receptionists
This training module covers the fundamentals of infection prevention and control for COVID-19 including:
COVID-19 – what is it?
Signs and symptoms
Keeping safe – protecting yourself and others
Myth busting
Users must register, but registration is open to anyone.