Update from Cr Brooke Patterson, Division 6


The City of Gold Coast will be joining its five largest funded and controlled entities following a resolution made at the 24 February Special Council Meeting.

This new entity, Experience Gold Coast, will contain the partner sub-brands of the City including:

  • Major Events Gold Coast
  • Destination Gold Coast
  • Study Gold Coast
  • HOTA
  • Placemakers

This move will result in savings of an estimated $6.8 million annually, which will be reinvested back into Experience Gold Coast for tourism, events, arts and education outcomes. Additionally, a $1.5 million community arts fund will be established.

Currently the process has begun for appointing a transitional CEO and advisory committee to help bring together our entities. A report will be presented to Council at a future meeting recommending the KPIs to measure the performance of Experience Gold Coast for quarterly reviews.

I personally see this as an excellent step for our city and looking forward to it fulfilling on its potential.

Councillor Brooke Patterson
Division 6
City of Goldcoast

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