Gold Coast Youth Foyer officially opened!

It was great to see October mark the opening of the Gold Coast Youth Foyer right here in Southport.

Gold Coast Youth Foyer officially opened!

It was great to see October mark the opening of the Gold Coast Youth Foyer right here in Southport.

You might be asking: what is a Youth Foyer?

The Youth Foyer model is an approach to youth homeless that attempts to ensure that youths who are at-risk of or have experienced homelessness are supported to ensure they don't end up in the cycle of long-term poverty and disadvantage in adulthood by aiming to promote their individual talents and skills to complete their employment and educational goals.

The Queensland trial site was set up in Logan, and it’s great to see the model brought to the Gold Coast to address some of our critical housing needs.

The Foyer is a Queensland Government project, but the Government has partnered with the Gold Coast Youth Service and Community Housing Limited to provide the wrap-around services and support needed to make the model work.

The Foyer includes 40 one-bedroom apartments for eligible youths, to help assist them in completing education and gaining skills that can assist young people in being employed and breaking out of the homelessness cycle.

I've written in my update in the past about the need to do more to combat homelessness, the causes of homelessness, and provide adequate housing to support those most in need. The Gold Coast Youth Foyer is part of this solution for young people in our community, to help prevent homelessness and equip them with the tools and confidence to break the cycle.

Congratulations to the entire team involved in the opening, it really is a terrific project! I know the team leader Matt will be super keen to get the business community involved, so keep your eye out for opportunities to get involved in the Foyer!

Rob MOLHOEK MP is the State Member for Southport.

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