Presidents update for November

Our AGM is being held on Wednesday 2 December at 5 pm at Southport Yacht Club. Come along and have your say. There are positions available on the Board and nominations will be taken from the floor from eligible members, meaning you have been a member for at least 9 months prior to the AGM.


So, we approach the end of one of the most challenging years for the Chamber and yet in comparison to many people in business we have come through pretty well.


We survived a rogue storm cell destroying our planned Long Lunch event on the Broadwater Parklands in December last year.


We stopped events during the first months of Covid and delivered content for our members through our Website and regular email newsletters and alerts.


We removed the membership fee for our standard Business Membership so that we could remove barriers for business to join with us and get the support and collegiality of the Chamber.


We started events again and our latest event was our Special Melbourne Cup 2020 Business Breakfast at the Southport Golf Club on 3 November. It was a fun event with guests getting into the dress up spirit. It was also informative as freshly returned State Member for Southport, Rob Molhoek, gave us an update on what state government will be doing for Southport, and Councillor Brooke Patterson gave us an update on her progress in Council on behalf of Southport. Brooke gives us a monthly update with this newsletter so you can all stay up to date. 


Membership numbers are at record levels of over 200 members and this gives the Chamber a great opportunity to advocate and work on your behalf. We are extending the offer of free membership so please encourage your neighbouring businesses and businesses you deal with on the Gold Coast to join us in providing a greater voice for business.


Our AGM is being held on Wednesday 2 December at 5 pm at Southport Yacht Club. Come along and have your say. There are positions available on the Board and nominations will be taken from the floor from eligible members, meaning you have been a member for at least 9 months prior to the AGM. In those circumstances those persons nominated must also receive 50% of the vote in order to be elected to the Board of Management.


The Southport Chamber of Commerce Board of Management then invites you to join us for our end of 2020 Christmas Drinks starting at 5.30 pm on the Southport Yacht Club Western Deck when the AGM finishes. This will be an evening of networking and an opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded business professionals, fellow Southport Chamber members and their guests.


I look forward to seeing you there for our last event of 2020.


Ian Kennedy | President

Southport Chamber of Commerce



Our valued corporate members

Our corporate members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Gold Coast Business Hub Your Resourcing Group

Our valued gold members

These members are highly valued for their contribution to the Southport Chamber.

Enterprise & Training Company Experience Gold Coast State Member for Southport Australia Fair (YFG Shopping Centres Pty Ltd) White Lady Funerals Feddersen Consulting Group