Q&A with Cr Brooke Patterson

Ian Kennedy our Chamber President recently had the opportunity to have a Q&A with Cr Brooke Patterson our newly elected Councillor for Division 6

You spoke to a lot of residents and businesses during your campaign and since. What were the major one or two issues raised by them?


Ian Kennedy recently had the opportunity to have a Q&A with Cr Brooke Patterson our newly elected Councillor for Division 6


  1. You spoke to a lot of residents and businesses during your campaign and since. What were the major one or two issues raised by them?


  1. A clean and safe CBD.


  1. 'Back to basics' - delivery of essential infrastructure first - waste, water, roads, and local park upgrades.


  1. A City Plan aligned with reasonable community expectations


  1. You have certainly hit the ground running after a very active and community engaged campaign. What has been the biggest surprise for you once you started the role?


The talent we have within City Council.


  1. What is your broad vision for the future of Southport?


The post COVID-era places us in a unique position. As renowned demographer Bernard Salt recently commented, employees will demand to live in lifestyle locations as they prove to be productive away from the traditional office environment. We have the opportunity to take advantage of this new world—to be a hybrid CBD in a city that employees seek for lifestyle, and that large organisations can count on for infrastructure and services when they need it. We will leverage the potential of our health and knowledge precinct and ensure our CBD is 'highly walkable'—a place you want to be. If we get this right, we can become a viable and compelling alternative to the likes of Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane. A community engagement process will be launched in coming months to consider and provide feedback on this vision.


  1. What is your background? I understand you were once on the board of a Chamber.


Whilst Director of Financial Advisory for an Australian bank in Hong Kong, I was on the board of AustCham HK & Macau. I am well aware of the vital role an active and representative chamber has in influencing policy and outcomes. I look forward to partnering with the Southport Chamber of Commerce to realise a very modern and engaging CBD.


  1. If you could have been a professional sportsperson what would you have been?


Given I was national classic rhythmic gymnastic champion (the one with the balls, ribbons, and hoops) when I was 16, I'd have to say rhythmic gymnast!


Cr Brooke Patterson




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